Thursday, 28 May 2020

Natural Looking Nose Aesthetics

While optimizing the breathing function of the nose, its appearance should be harmonized with other elements of the face.

The rhinoplasty makes a natural appearance and it is not clear that the aesthetic operation is undergone, and this increases the confidence. Thanks to the developments in aesthetic surgery, operations that protect both the basic function of the nose and provide the most ideal shape can be performed. Thanks to the developments in aesthetic surgery, there is no obvious scar in the nose and the new nose design is compatible with the face.

How to decide the new nose shape?

Preliminary work is done in the simulation program by taking professional macro photos of the patient in the consultation before the operation. Thus, the physician can have a clear idea of ​​what kind of nose shape the patient wants. By contacting the patient about the most suitable nose shape for the face, the most suitable nose shape is decided.

How is a nose surgery done?

After giving detailed information to the patient about the open and closed technique, the operation is performed by selecting the most suitable technique to correct the deformity in the nose. The operation is performed by applying general anesthesia, that is, the patient is put to sleep. After an operation that takes an average of 2-2.5 hours, the patient is followed up. Generally, the patient is kept under observation in the hospital for 1 night and is discharged in the morning.

Who is it suitable for?

Any patient with a dysfunction of shape and function in his nose and whose facial development is completed may be a suitable candidate for rhinoplasty. Surgery can be performed safely in women 15-16 years old and in men after 16-17 years old. It can also be performed at an early age in patients with sinus function and accompanied by severe intranasal curves. There is no upper age limit as long as the patient's general health is in place in nose aesthetics.

What is the healing process?

Silicone pads placed to help breathe into the nose are removed after an average of 3 days. As the tampons are silicone and do not adhere to the tissues, the removal of the tampons is very easy and painless, contrary to what is thought. Thermal splint is taken in the 1st week. After the splint is removed, a nose bandage is applied for 2-3 days to reduce edema. Some rhinoplasty patients may experience a slight bruise depending on the sensitivity of their skin structures. Although the nose is swollen after the operation, the improvement in the shape of the nose is noticed by the patient from the moment the splint is removed. In the second postoperative month, 75% of the edema regresses. The remaining mild edema disappears completely in 6-12 months, and it takes approximately 2 years for the nose to take its full shape. Usually, after 1-2 weeks of rest, patients can return to work and social life.

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